Groups contain:

Gaming Club ScruffyPlayz

Gaming Club for gamers or gaymers to play games with each other

C++ Programming Community

Discussion, topics, articles, news, tutorials and more for the C++ programming language.

Food & Drink
Eating dinner

Dinner is not just a meal, it's an experience that brings people together. Share your favorite!

Education & Learning
LearnHub MK

Што еМисијаМисијата на LearnHub е негување на одржлива и инклузивна заедница од сите припадници на IТ-секто...

Career & Business

Jobster is a donation-based job board specializing in high-tech occupations, connecting job seekers with employers. As a...

Community & Environment

Cybersecurity community sharing experiences, ideas, gain knowledge, etc.

Health & Wellbeing
Komaja Meditation & Satsang

Guided komaja meditations. Discussions and 1h workshops on various topics as: self-culture, tantra, yoga, partnership as...

Sports & Recreation
Рагби Македонија 🏉

Ова е група за сите љубители на Рагбито кое во Македонија е нов спорт во зародиш. Доколку сакаш да дојдеш да испробаш не...

Education & Learning
Firestarter24: Customer and Em...

MACEX Firestarter24, 30.05.2024, DoubleTree


SaaS enthusiasts from Macedonia, part of the SaaStanak movement.SaaStanak started in 2021 as a small community of SaaS e...